I met Nat back in 2017 on el Lago de Atitlán in Guatemala. When I found out that I had time to make it down to Oaxaca, I had to reach out and see what she’s been up to the past 4 years. Well, amongst a ton of other incredible things, she’s been up to this. Making art and organically dyed products and creations, in a way that also respects the earth, to say the veryyyyy least! Her website is: www.malatalia.com where she explains what she creates and how she does it in a sustainable way! You should absolutely check it out. She invited me to her studio and it was really cool to see her in her element, aaaaand her HANDS. AH! Stunning! She’s currently working on something big and I feel amazing things coming her way. I’m so happy for you and love seeing your journey as an artist.
A few photos of natural indigo dyeing and the woman with blue hands. 💙